The table next to me is dirty, smudged with white-board marker stains. The board itself could be replaced. The window panes in front of me are broken and the curtains are full of dust. I see a lizard creeping out from behind the junk dumped in one corner of the room…and I’m glad this is my last day in class.
Am I? Glad? Really?
I don’t know.
Taking a step back, I change my focus and my eyes now fall on the text book I had bought in 2007 because I always like to have my own copy of the book I’m using in class. I have used this one only twice. I see the CDs of music which are always in my bag, au cas où students writing oh-so-seriously today, every now and then looking up at me and mouthing out their favorite sentence “Ce n’est pas facile mademoiselle…”
I will miss being called mademoiselle by all those students. I will miss admonishing them every time they call me Madame and seeing them laugh and correct themselves. I will miss interacting with them, breaking my head over the difference between Passé Composé and Imparfait, sharing with them anecdotes from previous classes and what I love (and don’t love) about French culture, telling them that it is important to read in French and to try and be more cohérent in their discourse. I will miss discussing their histrionics with my colleagues.
I am at the crossroads, but there is no hesitation in my heart. I know the path I will choose. I have already chosen it. From mademoiselle to corporate mademoiselle, it's been an interesting journey. I have learnt a lot, grown and truly come into my own under this roof. But it is time to move on. The change is huge, and I steel my heart as I take this step. I can’t help but remember the lines of my favorite poem at this moment :
The woods are lovely , dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep.
And so, with a tremor in my hands, I close the French book and lay it aside and pick up the book on visual design and usability.
Godspeed along the path, Mademoiselle. May you look back on these satisfying years with joy in your heart and a smile on your gentle face! We certainly shall, we assure you!
You wont have to turn back and look at what you will be missing, not for long! coz i am sure you will come back soon, very soon :)
Hmmm, honestly, good luck along your chosen road -the one less travelled by? And at least you can say that you have a lot of good memories to look back on... Add to that the students who stay in touch, and you'll continue to have even their histrionics :)
"c'est bizarre non?"
- votre ligne preffere :)
Bonne Chance Mademoiselle!
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